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发布时间:2014年10月31日 16:45 作者:  编辑: 点击:[]

1. The role of cell cycle control correlative gene protein in arsenism caused by burning coal.Communication of Chinese Toxicology.2003;7(4):8

2. Calculation of benchmark doses for oxidation damage in a Chinese population residing in an arsenic polluted area. Communication of Chinese Toxicology.2003;7(4):15

3. Study on the effect of tumor suppressor gene p53,p16 mutation and methylation in coal-burning arsenic carcinogenicity mechanism. Communication of Chinese Toxicology.2003;7(4): 8

4. The protective effects of SOD-enriched cili juice on oxidative damage in arsenism patients due to coal burning. Communication of Chinese Toxicology.2003;7(4):11

5. Risk assessment on renal dysfunction caused by co-exposure to arsenic and cadmium using benchmark doses calculation in a Chinese population. Communication of Chinese Toxicology.2003;7(4):15

6. Toxicokinetic and genomic analysis of chronic arsenic exposure in multidrug-resistance mdr1a/1b (-/-) double knockout mice (Poster presentation). The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Mar. 9-13, 2003.

7. Toxicogenomic analysis of aberrant gene expression in liver and liver tumors induced by transplacental exposure to inorganic arsenic in mice. Second Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Metal Toxicity and Carcinogenesis, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA,Sept. 8-11, 2002




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